Wednesday, March 24, 2010

8 Falcons and the Sacred Orb- L2L

In Learning to Learn, 8 Falcons have been studying teams. They have been learning about their strengths in a team, what an effective team is and most importantly, how to achieve one.

Today, they put their team to the test by building a tower for a "sacred orb" (more commonly known as a polysterene ball). The teams had to present a plan for their structure and sealed bids for what materials they wanted to use- within budget- before they began.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the students build their towers. Everyone in the team fully participated in different ways. Some students were delegators, some shrieked with excitement and hopped, others stood back and evaluated the handiwork, others worked quietly in a corner on a small detail of the tower. Everyone fully participated in their own way.

We talked about how an effective team often results from a situation where everyone in that team is working whole-heartedly towards the same goal. We talked about how different people are motivated by different tings, such as an element of competition, or a desire not to let down team members. We talked about the challenges of trying to motivate people in teams sometimes.

That aside, we had fun, got some great photographs... and then enjoyed dismantling it all again!!

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